Salt Museum
In this Museum, visitors can learn everything there is related to Salt, from its first appearance in the world up until our recent times.
Also, what is presented in the Museum is the walt's relation with the economy, health, agriculture, stock farming, the environment, tourism and religion.
Visitors can learn about the different types of salt, its variety of colours and granulometry.
Be impressed by the 14,000 different uses of salt
Get informed about the active and abandoned Salt pans in Greece. Also get informed about the White Salt pan and Tourlida salt pan history, and about some other salt pans that used to operate in Messolonghi during the 1930s (Black salt pan, Skopovoli).

Visitors can also view works of art by artists inspired from Salt. They could see the unique collection of 1500 salt shakers from the 19th century until nowadays.
Last but not least, people attending our Museum could watch the process of cultivating and producing salt ,and the old machines of collecting salt. After the tour inside the Museum, visitors could enjoy the marvellous view of the lagoon from the outdoor space of the Museum.
History of the Building
Discover the history of the building of the Salt Museum through the years.

The Chamber
The building was first constructed in 1946. It used to be called "Chamber" because it served as a residence for the salt workers who came either from Messolonghi or the Ionian Islands to work in the cultivation and harvesting of salt. It was divided into five independent rooms that had entrances and exits on the side of the salt pans. Opposite the "Chamber" and in the sea, the "toilet" was built, according to the standards of the times, while west of the building an open water tank, which had been built in 1939, was covered when the "Chamber" was built in order to collect the rainwater through gutters that were placed in the cornice of the tiles.
The new production
Since 1960, when changes were made in the production process, in combination with the easier daily access for the citizens of Mesolonghi to the salines, due to the repair of Tourlida road, the building gradually stopped being used as a dormitory and turned into a straw warehouse for the salt transport wagons' horses.
The Abandonment
From ΄83 onwards, when diesel engines replaced the "work" of the horses, the building was abandoned and over the years it began to collapse. Thus, in a state of ruin, in 2010 it was granted by the Municipality of Mesolonghi to "Diexodos" with the aim of establishing and operating the first Salt Museum in the country.
Unfortunately 2010 Greece embarked its adventure to a deep financial crisis that did not leave our cultural organization intact. However, our dream for the realization of the museum not only did not cease, but on the contrary the flame grew stronger as we were enriching the exhibits of the future museum. In 2018, when "Diexodos" started to "breathe" financially, we started the works with the municipality of the Sacred City supporting us in the reconstruction of the roof. Since then, giving all our mental and financial powers and having the support and love of our few friends, we managed to create the first and only Salt Museum in the country, which we proudly handed over to the Greek society in September 2020.Salt Mountain
Nikos Siamos 2018
The Shop
In the Salt Museum, you will also find our shop, filled with products related to our precious salt.
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